Magic Expediton suggest you to have some idea about Rafting equipment because very improtant to know it before you go Rafting trips, because saftey is very important while you rafting to wear life jocket vest and helmet, also important to listen to guide instructions and fallow them carefully. Nepal is a popular destination for Nepal  River  Rafting enthusiasts some popular River Rafting Trips in Nepal, because why ? river rafting popular because of its semi- tropical climate.Nepal has some of the top rafting river in world .  Nepal's rafting river desecend faster and farther than most rivers on the planet because water cpmes from Himayal range in Nepal, guaranteeing the availability of exhilarating rapids ideal for rafting . \the rivers Nepal  are also surroundednby stunning himalayan scenery, lush  valleys green rhododendron forests, and untamed animals.

Nepal popular River rafting  are:  (1) Trishuli River Rafting.( 2) Marshyandi River Rafting.( 3) Sunkoshi River Rafting (.4)  Kali Gandaki River Rafting.5) Karnali River Rafting (6) upper setiriver Rafting ( 7) Lower setiriver Rafting( 8) Bhotekhosi River Rafting ( 9) Tamour River (10) Arun River 

Here some riner rafting  equipment are: 

1) waterproof dry bag for gear and camera barrel,  2)  safty Drums, 3) life jocket, 4) helmets, 5) paddles, 6) tents, 7) foam Mattress and waterproof bags, 8) wetsuits thermal tops  and paddling jocket etc.